Founding Member Badge
This badge represents the truly dedicated supporters of Earth Blossom will want this badge. This has all the benefits of the Associate Member badge, and then some.
This badge has lots of free stuff and membership into the Hybrid Automated Organization (HAO).
There will be a limited release of Founding Member badges. Only 111 total badges will ever exist. After all badges have been minted a similar badge will take it's place but will not have all of the same benefits of the Founding Member badge such as unlimited camping or 2 free BnB space.
Get your badge ASAP so you don't miss out on this one in a lifetime opportunity.
HAO membership vote on EB wallet actions
Earn EBGREEN and EBBLUE from rare NFTs that you blend to create
Stake Legenday and Mythic miners
Automatic βMeta Farmerβ role in Discord which allows you to play games to earn crypto with no monetary investment on your part
Free promo NFTs when new projects start, including upcoming vIRLs
Non-transferrable Membership badge that puts you on all EB project white lists and access to all above benefits
More benefits to be revealed soon!
More badges and passes will be announced in the near future. Don't forget to check secondary markets for badges being sold by other supporters of the project.
Last updated